• Anywhere

Emergency Custody for minor was filed by plaintiff and denied by Judge Mann.

Judge Mann ignored evidence of CPS recored and medical subpoenas. Judge Mann denied GAL, Council for Children’s Rights. Then forced minor to visits with abuser, who had a pending criminal case for assault against the minor at the time. Months later minor continued to be fearful of abuser and reluctant to go to visits as panic attacks, anxiety, and PTSD were present in minors state of mental health.

Defendant then filed for contempt of DVPO that plaintiff was granted earlier in the year. Live testimony of physicians, therapist, and police were all present and valid. All testimonies stated that minor was assaulted by father and had visible injuries days later.

Therapist reports child fears the father and father is abusive. Four testimonies were left to be heard and Judge Mann did not continue the case to be heard at a later date. She instead found mother in criminal contempt and forced visits for minor with abuser. During hearing, Judge Mann makes observations of a child she had never seen. She clearly stated “the minor has already been to court to testify” all parties replied “no, minor has not” Judge Mann says “oh, minor hasn’t?” Yet did not allow time for minor to testify or case to be heard in its entirety.

Judge Mann ignored all evidence and put a child in danger despite all evidence!


1 Reviews

  1. Can you please post information and review your lawyer, opposing counsel lawyer, the CPS investigator, and the parental evaluator.


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