a mothers love
protecting your children with truth
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What Is The Family Law
Accountability Project About

We live in a country were the regressive left has steadfastly marched us from nuclear families to to be proud of being a secular hedonists bent on self and collective destruction. The left don't have children, that is why they want to capture yours. They are evolutionary dead ends and if you say anything about your rights or morals, they label you and IST or and ISM. it is time to stand up and say enough,. It is time to call these people out and make them accountable for their degenerate ideas and lifestyles. They are the ash factories of the family and proud of it.
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About Our Mission
About Our Mission
We are dedicated to bring transparency to our school systems and family courts. This is about a systemic and long march by radical ideologs who literally hate strong American families. We live in times where these leftist openly discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and religion.

If you call them out, they call you an IST or an ISM. We need to stand up for our children and our legacy against anarchist who will not be satisfied until they capture our children to be evolutionary dead ends.
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